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Akira Kurosawa info now has social media presence

Akira Kurosawa info social media
When the history of the Internet is written hundreds of years from now, I would like to think that the year 2006 will be remembered for four monumental events: the opening of public access to Facebook, the founding of Twitter, the beginning of Tumblr‘s development, and the launch of Akira Kurosawa info. However, in our current point in time it is admittedly true that the first three communities are slightly larger than what we have here. And if you can’t beat them, well, you got to join them.

It has taken almost a decade for us to get there, but starting from today, Akira Kurosawa info is officially part of the social media world. You can now follow the website’s comings and goings through the above mentioned three social networks: Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. This means that instead of you having to frequently visit the website to check for new content, notifications about new posts and threads are served to you. So, it’s pretty much like RSS, but for those who don’t use RSS. Also, with added social networking benefits.

Akira Kurosawa info’s Facebook page is located at facebook.com/akirakurosawainfo, the Tumblr page is at akirakurosawainfo.tumblr.com, and our Twitter handle is @kurosawainfo. The three pages are fairly identical in content, so pick the network that best works for you and follow us there. Or use any combination of the three.

Notifications about news posts will be (more or less instantly) posted to all three networks and new discussion topics will similarly be told about (albeit with a bit of a delay). What will not be posted is notifications about replies to posts, for that would overcrowd the social network tubes. To make sure you haven’t missed any replies, you will still need to visit the website (or use RSS), although I am working on an email based solution for that as well.

So, go ahead and check out Akira Kurosawa info’s new social media presence at Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. Follow us, like us, tweat us, blog us and tell all your friends about us. The further the word spreads the better, and the more we are the merrier!


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