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Kurosawa’s horse passes away

According to the Hokkaido Shimbun Press, a horse that formerly belonged to Kurosawa passed away on March 19. The horse, called Yumego, was 33 years old.

According to the article, the American born horse appeared in Kagemusha and Ran, and after Kurosawa’s death was presented to the town of Ozora where Dreams was partly filmed.





One question: is this an April Fool’s joke? Odd timing if not.


Vili Maunula

I don’t do April Fools, but I of course have no idea about the Hokkaido Shimbun Press. It didn’t look like a prank to me, and the news article is dated March 31. 🙂



After reading, Vili, I have to say, the sentiment does ring true! I love the description of the horse’s character as “noble”.

You know how they say a cheater always suspects the partner of cheating? It must be a prankster thinks others are pranksters, too. Here, we had many, many pranks, including one targeting the dress code at the WEMU radio station. My colleague became quite upset (yelling, “It’s RADIO for heaven’s sake ! Who cares what they look like?” ) until he realized it was April 1st. I myself emailed a friend saying that one of our mutual buddies was joining a monastery in Tibet. Fun stuff.


Vili Maunula

Maybe so, Coco. 🙂

I guess the reason why I don’t do April Fools’ Day is that as an information junkie I just don’t like false information, whether or not it is spread deliberately. Also, I rarely have any real idea what date it currently is. 😉

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