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Nakadai Interview

New York’s WNYC radio has recorded an interview with Tatsuya Nakadai, who is currently in the city for a Nakadai retrospective that celebrates his career.

The 20-minute interview briefly touches on a number of topics, many of them to do with Nakadai’s work with Kurosawa. It is well worth the listen, although you will most probably be left somewhat disappointed that the interview wasn’t any longer!

As the WNYC player includes the possibility for others to embed the player on their websites for free, here it is for you listening pleasure (flash needed):

The source of the interview is this WNYC page. The page also offers a free mp3 download of the interview, in case you want to archive it or listen to it later.

Thanks to Yippee for posting the link and bringing this to our attention!




Jon Hooper

Mifune as lion and Nakadai as snake. Exactly. And what more appropriate weapon for a creature which spits venom from a distance than a gun!

Many thanks, Yippee, for finding the link.

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