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97 years

Were Akira Kurosawa alive today on March 23rd 2007, he would celebrate his 97th birthday.

This means that in three years’ time we should expect quite some renewed interest towards Kurosawa’s life and films, a bit like what was going on in 1998 when the centenary of Sergei Eisenstein’s birth was being celebrated around the world. Although Kurosawa is admittedly already a relatively well remembered film director whose works are being preserved, I will be very surprised if 2010 won’t bring us at least a few new books on Kurosawa’s life and works, some new DVD releases (the early works?), as well as exhibitions, numerous film screenings, and of course a general media interest that will last for about two days.





Didnt even remember about his birthday, I was just talking about him to someone. He is one person I really wish I could of meet, too bad that he died, long before I had any interest in movies.

Its great that his works have been giving great interest already, but there is still many areas that are lacking. I hope around the 100th, for the voids to be filled. I wish for the early works, some I have not seen completely and then only once. It would be nice if Criterion does their Eclipse series on Kurosawa, like they just did for Bergman. Also a huge well done encyclopedia like book on Kurosawa and every movie would be sweet.



A bit off topic, but Vili have you posted about your site on IMDB forums. I was browsing though it and notice a lot of post with wrong information or with questions that could easy be answered with your site.

I thought about mentioning it, but didnt know how you would feel about it. I noticed some young would be film-makers are discovering Kurosawa but are a bit lost. IMDB message boards are complete garbage when it comes to helpful advice. Its simply the blind leading the blind there, and all the good movie message boards I know are private/invite only.I thought some mention, could at least help people on Kurosawa. I couldn’t find any TOS information, that stated, mentioning a website like this would be against the rules.


Vili Maunula

Kurosawa actually died about a week after I had made the decision to go to Japan for a year. One major reason why I chose Japan then was Kurosawa’s films and the admittedly very small possibility that I might be able to meet him.

Kubrick died on the same week that I flew to Japan.

To answer your question about IMDb, all of my own posts have a footer that links to this site, and I have mentioned it a few times in different threads. But I don’t really like the IMDb message boards as they are very poorly designed and difficult to use, so I don’t frequent the boards too often.

As for mentioning this website, you are more than welcome to spread the word wherever and whenever you want. 🙂 I don’t personally have anything against it — in fact, I would really appreciate it if this site got a bit more coverage on film forums and movie blogs.



I also forgot about the 23rd being his birthday. I guess that is what happens when one passes away… ooops.
I saw my first AK film (Ran) in August 1998 and then a few short weeks later found out he had passed away.

But ah 2010, should be grand. Why woudn’t any special things happen?

And Vili, I will spread the word on the site!



Just wanted to drop a note of thanks for this very informative site. I can’t find a contact address for you so I will do it here. I hope you don’t mind. The site is really useful! Thank you!


Vili Maunula

Thanks, qwerty, it’s always great to hear from readers! The pleasure, really, is all mine.



Hi, sorry to use this forum again since I know this section is for comments about Kurosawa’s birthday, but…

Are there any plans for a section of the site to list Kurosawa theatrical screenings of his films? Once in a while there are film festivals or special screenings, as you know, but sometimes I find out about them too late. I would love to see Kurosawa in a real theatre, not just on my couch on TV at home. 🙂


Vili Maunula

I have often thought about this, but have for now decided not to include any news about screenings of Kurosawa’s films, unless they are in some way special (i.e. with lectures or exhibitions attached).

This is basically because of the difficulty of tracking such screenings on a global scale. I’m afraid there would be too much work for me considering the actual benefits it would in the end offer for the members.



That would be a great thing idea, but I too think tracking such events would be too hard, and the pay off too small.
I dont think such small screening events are widely publicized, and at least around here are very uncommon.

qwerty, if you happen to be around Houston,Texas, there is a very nice independent theater I have access to. In the past I have screened old movies for small amount of friends from a movie forum I visit. Its been awhile but if I do so again, anyone is welcome, and I’ll be sure to mention such a event to Vili to pass along if I do a set of Kurosawa.

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