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DVD Verdict reviews ‘Yojimbo’ and ‘Sanjuro’

Dan Mancini at DVD Verdict has reviewed Criterion’s Yojimbo and Sanjuro, and done a pretty excellent job at it, too. While most of the (technical) information presented is well known to us by now, the reviews come with a couple of screenshots that show exactly how much better Criterion’s new takes are compared to the 1999 discs. Wow!

Dan’s write-ups also serve as fairly good introductions to the films for those who for one reason or another have yet to see them, or have seen the films but never really given any thought to them.

See here for the Yojimbo review, here for the Sanjuro review, and here for the Yojimbo/Sanjuro box review.

For more in formation about the availability of Yojimbo and Sanjuro, see the sections on Kurosawa DVDs and Kurosawa Blu-rays.





Thanks for the links to my reviews. They’re much appreciated.

~Dan Mancini


Vili Maunula

You’re welcome, Dan. But it should really be us thanking you, not the other way around.

I actually hope that the short post of mine here (which I have extended a bit now), and especially the “most of the information presented is well known to us by now” part in it, didn’t come across as negative in any way. That certainly wasn’t intended. Actually, your reviews are some of the most in-depth I have yet to see for these two releases.

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