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Sanjuro press conference

Toho held a press conference on Sunday for the new Sanjuro remake, which has already started filming and is to be released in Japan in December 2007. Very little new information was apparently given, with Yoshimitsu Morita still directing, Yuji Oda still taking the role of Sanjuro, Etsushi Toyokawa playing the main villain, and Kenichi Matsuyama, Tamao Nakamura and Makoto Fujita also making appearances.

When asked about why they are actually remaking the film, director Yoshimitsu Morita explained that he wanted to introduce the story to young people, and that the story would fit particularly well with the sensibilities of the current generation of movie goers.

The original press release (with pictures) can be found here, while I originally read about this at Hoga News here.





I hope for a very well done remake but Yoshimitsu Morita comment “the story would fit particularly well with the sensibilities of the current generation of movie goers”
has me a bit concerned, Is this another way of saying it will be dumbed down, not to say todays youth are stupid but in general producers tend to dumb down remakes . Also what little information thats out there, it appears it will be more of action flick, I could be completely wrong and actually hope I am


Vili Maunula

Regarding the “sensibilities” comment, you can actually blame me.

I was in a hurry when I compiled this morning’s offerings, and seem to have overlooked some things. It also seems that I should brush up my Japanese at least to the level where I can identify who is saying what!

So, instead of trusting my own language skills anymore, here is how the Hoga News article I link to above relates the relevant bit:

‘On casting, Morita commented, “heroes change over time. My instinct told me Yuji Oda is the modern hero of today.” The new Sanjuro, Yuji Oda said, “there are lots of corruption and bullying problems nowadays, and I think the story that Sanjuro and young people stand against such a problem fits to the mood of the current generation. Sometimes I am tempted to copy Mr. Mifune, but I am trying hard to express Yuji Oda’s Sanjuro.’

In any case, also I have got this feeling that it will be an action film. Not that Kurosawa’s Sanjuro wasn’t an action film at the time of its release, but somehow the genre of action films has changed in the past few decades. And I wouldn’t say that it has changed to the better…

That said, I might actually go to see the new Bond film. And if I won’t, it’s at least the first time I am interested in a new Bond film for well more than a decade.



Your right, Sanjuro is a action film, but the action films of today as you mention has changed. I hope it doesnt become the normal over-the-top action films of the present.

Speaking of James Bond, there hasnt been a Bond film, I ever really enjoyed. I seen a sure all of them but I find them boring and repetitive .
However the older ones did have a certain class to them and although a action film it was never overdone, like the ones in recent years.
Based on the short trailers I can imagine the new ones being full of unnecessary explosions but then again, thats kind of the reason you go see Bond films in first place.

As long I dont find out there are explosions in the new Sanjuro, I hope for a worthy remake:)


Vili Maunula

Your comment on explosions and Sanjuro will surely give me nightmares tonight. 🙂

I liked some of the old Bond films mainly because they had that certain kind of a feel to them. I especially enjoyed the Roger Moore ones. Although that was ages ago.

I actually saw the trailer of the new Bond film on Monday, and that didn’t look too promising. But I am still hoping that some of the comments that I have read are true, and that the film is not only a montage of mindless action scenes.

The trailer, by the way, was actually screened before Scorsese’s The Departed, which I found really quite good.



The Departed was a good movie, but to me it didnt feel like a he really showed himself, not a that a directors work should be obvious.
I just like it when he breaks away from the gangster films such as he did with the recent The Aviator. To me we can see more of brilliant talent, of course Mean Streets and Goodfellas are near perfect
I consider Scorsese to be best living director, with Taxi Driver fighting against several Kurosawa’s as my favorite movie of all time.

I seen a few trailers on the internet, no big screen ones, but I doubt I’ll watch the new
Bond film til its out on DVD. I do desire to watch a decent film with semi-intelligent plot and insane amounts of action, so perhaps depending on reviews I give it a shot. I havent found one since Star Wars 3 and Serenity


Vili Maunula

I didn’t personally like The Aviator too much, to be honest. Nor did I enjoy Gangs of New York. They had interesting performances, but the pacing and the overall rhythm of the movies didn’t work for me. But I am known to be picky.

I must confess that my knowledge of Scorsese is somewhat limited to his more recent work, plus of course Taxi Driver. I guess I should really watch at least Mean Streets, Raging Bull and Goodfellas at some point.

Star Wars 3 has a semi-intelligent plot? I tried to watch Star Wars 2 at one point (mainly because of Ewan McGregor), but after 20 minutes decided that it was simply not for me. But maybe I should try the third one.

I’m going to see Ridley Scott’s “A Good Year” tomorrow. It’s got poor reviews, and I am not a big Russell Crowe fan, but it’s still Ridley Scott… and it’s a smaller-scale film by him, which I tend to like more than his big budget extravaganzas.


Vili Maunula

Just to follow up on my previous comment, I saw A Good Year yesterday. I must say that it was actually pretty good. In fact, I really liked it.

I think that critics have been very unfair with it (like they usually are with Scott). They, in fact, seem to have missed the point altogether.

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