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Article: Movies Akira Kurosawa Saw

There is an excellent and very interesting post at lady_wakasa’s blog, basically taking Something Like an Autobiography (Kurosawa’s autobiography, as you all know) and chronologically listing the films that the mentions up until the age of 19. The resulting list is one of the most interesting things I have seen for a long time!





I’ve only seen a few from Eisenstein, Renoir, Lang and Ford, the rest of the list I cant recall ever watching.I imagine most would be a challenge to find

I wonder how well he understood the films he watched from 9-16 y/o. It wasn’t until I was close to 18, before I truly understood and 20y/o before I enjoyed, the caliber of movies on his list.
At 9-16 y/o I didn’t even show interest yet alone find such movies enjoyable. In Kurosawa’s book he certainly seem to recall them with much enjoyment and interest.

If am not mistaking you change the font color to your site, what ever you did it certainly feel much better then the first round and a lot easier to read. I think you got it just right.



I counted that I have seen at least 14 of the listed films, although none of them very recently. In fact, some of them I watched when I was just little older than ten, and I can say that I don’t think I understood too much, as I can’t remember a thing from them, just some images! Images from The Blue Angel are especially haunting in my head.

I think Akira’s brother dubbed and to some extent explained films (live, obviously), and that Akira followed him to a number of showings. This probably explains why he watched so many big-name films when still so young.

And yes, I switched to black font colour for the main text. I’m happy if it makes reading easier.

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